Our blog

Here we write about topics that move us and you.


Folge 5: The Story of Philip

The Story of Philip. Philip grew up near our factory. Inspired by his mother's craftsmanship, he developed a keen interest in electricity from an early age. After several years as a casual laborer, he is now part of the fairafric family. He is a great example of how potential can be realized when it is recognized, nurtured, and valued.

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fairafric wird klimapositiv!

The production of chocolates, environmental impacts cannot (yet) be avoided. Therefore, we offset all CO2 emissions that occur. To do this, we invest in collaboration with Natureoffice in a natural forest reforestation project in Togo. In the years 2021-2023, we have thus compensated for more than 900 tons of CO2.

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Folge 4: The Story of Francis

The Story of Francis. Francis's journey at fairafric is a prime example of how potential can be realized when it is recognized, nurtured, and valued. His story provides a deep insight into the life and work of one of our now more than 100 employees in Ghana.

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Der Kakaopreisanstieg und seine Folgen

The global chocolate industry is currently facing a serious crisis, triggered among other things by crop failures of up to 40-50% in West Africa. A look behind the scenes of the global cocoa market reveals the causes of this drastic price increase and the challenges we are facing. Below we explain the background to our upcoming price adjustments.

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Alkalisierung von Kakao
Time and again, customers ask us why our organic cocoa powder is so light. Is there sugar in it or milk powder? To tell you straight away, no: No. Our cocoa powder consists of 100% organic cocoa - but why the color is so light we explain here.
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