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Pineapple &; mango combined with chocolate? A dream! Experience the fruity taste explosion completely Made in Ghana.

The pineapple and mango balls from Ghana arrive at our factory in Suhum and are coated by hand with 70% and 80% dark chocolate by our chocolatiers and chocolatierès.
The pineapple and mango pieces are mixed together to make Fruit Balls and further processed into balls. In the next step, the Ghanaian fruit balls arrive at our factory. Our chocolatiers and chocolatierès use a panning machine to coat the fruit balls with chocolate.
Die Ananas- und Mangobällchen beziehen wir von HPW, die mit HPW Fresh & Dry Ltd. zu den größten Produzent*innen für natürlich getrocknete Mango, Ananas und Kokosnuss in ganz Afrika gehört. In Ghana beschäftigt das Unternehmen mittlerweile 1000 Mitarbeitende.