fairafric becomes climate positive


More biodiversity
for resilient farms


More plants
for more income


How does fairafric become climate-positive?


For many years, we have been offsetting our unavoidable CO2 emissions with projects in West Africa. That's why we know the CO2 emissions per bar. Now we are starting to measure how much CO2 we can bind in the soil on the farms from which we source our cocoa.


We have built the world's first solar-powered organic chocolate factory. All products are packaged in compostable packaging and we recycle as much as we can. By not using plastic and producing our own solar power, fairafric is more environmentally friendly than the industry.


The core of dynamic agroforestry (DAF) is to produce as much biomass as possible and to create a symbiosis between a variety of plants, similar to that of the rainforest.This approach binds large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere in the soil in the long term.


Every bar of fairafric produced will soon eliminate CO2 from the atmosphere. And not just in the distant future. Thanks to the power of nature, which is given free rein on the DAF farms, every farm is a small CO2 vacuum cleaner from day 1 of the changeover.

With your help

DAF farms can bind up to 4x more CO2 in the soil.

Our #roadtoclimatepositive

Q1 2024

Launch of the DAF initiative. We source our first small quantities of cocoa beans from dynamic agroforestry (DAF).

Q2 2024

Expansion of our partnerships. A trained team helps to optimize DAF farms, create new farms and convert existing farms.

Q3-Q4 2024

Expansion of sources of income. Expansion of existing farms with new plants to open up additional sources of income for farmers.

Q1 2025

Most of the cocoa beans from DAF. By the beginning of 2025, we want to source 50% of our beans from DAF farms.

ab Q4 2025

100% cocoa beans from DAF We want to source all our cocoa from DAF farms by the end of 2025.

ab 2026

Diversification of income. In the long term, we want to buy other products from our farmers and increase their income.

To make this possible, we need you!

With your support, chocolate can play a leading role in the fight against climate change and create well-paid jobs in West Africa.

Join us and invest in a sustainable chocolate revolution!

0of 4.000.000,00 € already invested.


Klimapositiver Kakaoanbau.

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Zum Klima-Darlehen


Schokotropfen für die gesamte Welt.

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Zum Darlehen

Chocolate bond

Your interest in chocolate.

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to the chocolate bond


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Climate Bond I

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Climate Bond II

Invest in the expansion of DAF.

0of 999.000,00 € already invested.

The advantages of dynamic agroforestry (DAF)

Climate positivity

Because we source all our cocoa from DAF farms, we can save up to 4x the CO2 footprint of each bar in the ground. Unique!


The cocoa farms become more resilient to pests and climate change. In addition, soil fertility is also significantly increased.

Farm income

By growing products such as mangoes, avocados and coconuts, farmers can significantly increase their income and become less dependent on cocoa.


Climate-positive means that more climate-damaging emissions (e.g. CO2) and impacts are bound than caused.

The goal of fairafric is to leave the earth in a better condition than it was before our activities. We are not only concerned with CO2, but also with soil fertility, water storage, the highest possible biodiversity of plants and animals, resilience to climate change and the production of healthy products, among other things.

The Dynamic Agroforestry (DAF) cultivation method is based on the knowledge of the indigenous peoples of Latin America and combines many elements of regenerative agriculture or permaculture. The plants are grown in different levels (shrubs, half-stems, etc.) of the forest and different local tree species are planted: Crop trees, biomass trees, shade trees, etc. One of the main objectives is to produce a lot of biomass to improve soil quality. Therefore, not only cocoa is grown, but also other tree and plant species such as cashew, mango, pineapple, etc., which can be processed by Fairafric. The production of biomass binds a large amount of CO2 in the long term. Significantly more than is emitted in Fairafric's entire value chain.

fairafric emits significantly fewer emissions than other chocolate manufacturers thanks to its own solar-powered factory. Nevertheless, unavoidable emissions (e.g. in logistics) are caused. So far, these have been offset by supporting climate projects in West Africa. However, our main goal in our own value chain is to leave the environment better than we found it. That is why we will be sourcing our cocoa from a dynamic agroforestry (DAF) project in Ghana from 2024. According to initial external analyses by experts, fairafric can bind 4x as much CO2 in the soil in the long term as is emitted in the value chain!

Cocoa is one of the most important cash crops in West Africa. Due to a lack of alternatives and in order to generate an income for the family, an area is often cleared and then as many cocoa trees as possible are planted on the piece of land. After a few years of intensive cultivation, the nutrient reserves in the soil are exhausted and a high use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides is necessary. In Ghana, conventional cocoa cultivation is responsible for the deforestation of 25% of the rainforest.

The deforestation of the rainforest releases large amounts of CO2. The cultivation of monocultures and the massive use of pesticides also leads to a deterioration in soil quality and less water and carbon can be bound, while progressive climate change in turn leads to greatly altered weather conditions and an increase in climate disasters. As cocoa trees in conventional cultivation are significantly less resilient, there are already crop failures in conventional cocoa, while yields are hardly affected by regenerative cultivation methods such as DAF, as the plants are healthier and highly resilient.

The cacao tree is a shade plant. This means that the cocoa tree needs larger trees (e.g. palm trees) above it to provide shade and help it to grow and thrive optimally. At DAF, care is therefore taken to ensure that the trees and plants stand next to the cocoa trees, provide sufficient shade and supply the nutrients that the cocoa tree needs. The greatest possible diversity of plants is necessary for this symbiosis. This symbiosis promotes biodiversity, increases the yield per tree, increases soil fertility and the water storage capacity of the soil and the biomass trees actively store CO2 in the soil.

In initial analyses, external experts have determined that by
storing the biomass in the soil, fairafric can store up to 4x more CO2 in the
soil in the long term than is emitted in the entire value chain.

1. higher cocoa premium
In addition to the highest organic premium (692$/MT) in West Africa, fairafric pays farmers a climate premium of 150$/MT. This is a multiple of the regular organic premium or other certifications such as Fairtrade.

2. diversification of income
The cultivation of several crops helps to diversify income and makes it possible to earn an income outside the cocoa harvest season.

3. better soil quality & resilience to climate change
By improving soil fertility and other benefits of DAF for the soil, the plants become significantly stronger and more resistant to environmental influences. In addition, the soil quality increases the quality and yield of the fruit. This means that the land can be cultivated naturally in the long term and sustainably.

With our new Visitor Center, we also want to give our customers the opportunity to get an in-depth look at our operations. The factory visit will be combined with a visit to our farmer communities, all in one day! Unique in the world!