Creamy, melt-in-the-mouth and 100% plant-based. Our new superstar in the vegan range: the Vegan Creamy Cashew - better than milk chocolate.
With our vegan chocolate you make a difference!

Did you know that our 80% dark chocolate is conched for up to 29 hours? Conching describes the process in which the chocolate mass consisting of cocoa mass, cocoa butter and sugar, is heated by various temperature shocks and stirring movements in a way that the unwanted parts of the flavors and acids are "sweated out" of the chocolate mass.
We use only organic certified raw materials and pay attention to a fair origin, preferably from Africa. Here you can find an overview of our suppliers.
Yes, our chocolate is gluten-free. Basically, gluten is contained in the cereals wheat, rye and barley. We do not produce or process any products in our factory that contain these varieties.
Yes, you won't find a gram of plastic in our packaging. The
chocolate bars are wrapped in Natureflex film. This is a film that
is made from wood cellulose and is biodegradable. Currently,
organic waste regulations do not yet allow Natureflex film to be disposed of in organic waste. For this reason, the best solution at present is to dispose of the film in the
in-house compost. If you have this option, the
NatureFlex unfortunately belongs in the residual waste. The packaging industry and many committed companies are working to ensure that the legal situation will soon change.