Just like many other foods, chocolate also has a best-before date (MHD). But does the chocolate go bad after this date and must be thrown away? Spoiler Alert: No & mn,namNo! Like all manufacturing companies, we at fairafric try to balance demand and supply as well as possible and to keep a perfect production schedule so that the chocolate is not too close to the best before date and might not be bought by the retailers anymore. But that is not always so easy. As a fast-growing company in a market that is strongly fluctuating, it unfortunately also happens that we stand in front of our shelves and see: whoops, this one really has to go soon!

Through our online store you can buy chocolates that are close to their best before date directly from us at reduced prices. By doing so, you help us to avoid big losses and to maintain our "zero-bars-wasted" balance in the future.
Depending on the type of chocolate, the chocolates have different minimum shelf lives:
Dark vegan chocolate lasts 24 months after production, chocolate with milk 18 months and chocolate with nut 12 months.
We guarantee that our chocolates can be enjoyed in the best quality until the best before date. With proper storage, the chocolate is durable long after the expiration date. It is best to ensure airtight and dry storage at temperatures between 14-19 degrees.