Our blog

Here we write about topics that move us and you.


fairafric wird klimapositiv!

The production of chocolates, environmental impacts cannot (yet) be avoided. Therefore, we offset all CO2 emissions that occur. To do this, we invest in collaboration with Natureoffice in a natural forest reforestation project in Togo. In the years 2021-2023, we have thus compensated for more than 900 tons of CO2.

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Der Kakaopreisanstieg und seine Folgen

The global chocolate industry is currently facing a serious crisis, triggered among other things by crop failures of up to 40-50% in West Africa. A look behind the scenes of the global cocoa market reveals the causes of this drastic price increase and the challenges we are facing. Below we explain the background to our upcoming price adjustments.

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Corporate Social Responsibility: Klimaneutral oder klimapositiv für mehr Klimagerechtigkeit
In today's world, where the impacts of climate change are increasingly felt, the responsibility of companies concerning the environment and society is of paramount importance. More and more companies are setting ambitious goals to minimize their ecological footprints and make a positive contribution to addressing the climate crisis, just like fairafric. But what does it really mean to be climate-neutral or even climate-positive?
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Amanase präsentiert: der erste Impact-Kalender ‘handmade in Ghana’
Amanase hat etwas total Grandioses auf die Beine gestellt: Die – mittlerweile 17(!) – Chocolatiers haben in der hauseigenen Chocolate School fleißig getüftelt und ganze sieben neue Rezepturen entwickelt – alle zu finden im fairsten Adventskalender der Welt – handgemacht in Ghana. Die 24 Köstlichkeiten sind natürlich alle bio, vegan, klimaneutral und ohne Raffinadezucker aber dafür mit viel Liebe und Hingabe produziert.
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Chocolatier-Schule in Ghana - Amanase

We welcome Amanase to the Fairafric family! Fairafric is now available as handmade delicacies from our own chocolaterie with the first formal chocolaterie school in Ghana. We can't wait to introduce you to our new brand.

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